Wednesday, February 10, 2010

With you like some low self esteem with your shake?

Sitting here eating my Choc Wedge ice cream it occurred to me how much emphasis we put on feeling guilty about certain foods. As I sit here enjoying the cold crack of chocolate against my teeth I convince myself that whilst I should be out walking around the park I probably shouldn't because there is going to be a storm. And it will rain apparently. Later in the week but that's not the point. The guilt and weight issue is loudly played out the minute you put on the television or pick up a newspaper. If it's not bad enough we have to feel guilty for getting older and costing the government money (see the Work Until You Die and After draft policy) we should feel guilty for not meeting our BMI KPI's. Children in particular seem to be the new target of the fat fear campaign. If your child is suffering from a weight problem and experiencing low self esteem put them on a reality television program, that will really help...not. If the kid wasn't the victim of school yard bullying before, wait until he gets to school on Monday. These programs show the caring parents who might I add are the size of aircraft hangers themselves sit on their much sat upon couch and despair at how they've tried everything. I feel for them in some ways in that their fridge is full of 'fat free' products which will be effective in reducing the weight of their wallet. With all reality programs the results are immediate and little Suzie or whatever is soon becoming the suburbs biggest loser which I think is meant to be a good thing. I'm not sure exactly how this would help with the self esteem problem though. The old happy meal just ain't what it used to be.


  1. There's an article in today's Age about how gastric banding surgery for teenagers is more effective than the poor saps in the control group who had to do the diet and exercise regime. Who'd have thunk it?

  2. I watched the Extreme Makeover reality series and by the end of it was convinced I needed a head transplant - yes its all terrible and needs replacing, just swap the lot please.

  3. Hmmm I do tend to avoid these but you're right about the fat parents, ever noticed that fat people always order a Diet Coke? Although I'm sort of with Rowe, wouldn't mind an extreme makeover and an American smile! For free of course.

  4. I think the only way gastric banding works is if you put it over your mouth!
