Wednesday, September 9, 2009

If I have to, I can do anything

A heated debate has erupted over a new defence plan for women to serve on the front line my newsreader tells me. A heated debate? About what to wear maybe? Bright colours will be in this season. We'll be landing on the beaches in the latest Jets fun in the sun swimwear line and completing our basic training in a matching set from Lorna Jane active wear. What are they worried about? Too many problems being solved perhaps. Osama Bin Laden, found. His kids were playing with a friend of her kids at the same Tuesday play group, or worse peace broken out in the Middle East after a luncheon and pamper session with goodie bags to take away for everyone. All too scary for some, the thought of combat line replaced by compact and lip liner, the SAS outmatched by PMS and everyone home in time for dinner. If women weren't meant to be in combat, then they wouldn't have given us hormones. Hand me that grenade.


  1. PMS Possible Murder Suspect.......

    Hand me a grenade too...

  2. ...and if those fighting gals can do all that AND keep their strapless bathers UP, I'll be donating to the cause!

  3. I think we should put women in charge of all the world's armies. We'd never have any wars, just intense negotiations every 28 days.

    And nice beach babe. Just like Grandpa would have ogled.

  4. And what would you blow up first, pray tell?

  5. Thank you comrades. I will count on you all when we go for the big push over the top - whatever that means and I will probably be away that day anyway.
