Monday, September 7, 2009

Masters in Multi Tasking

It's official. We are no longer allowed to multi task. Texting, twittering, and tuning into the ipod are deemed the work of the devil if distracted from life (and as I say this I jump up to turn the chicken over). Being distracted is bad particularly when driving, and it would be hard to argue with this to a certain degree. But should we be so quick to take the blame when technology clearly is the biggest multi-tasker of all? They gave us this stuff that does everything, everywhere and anytime. They encouraged us to watch multiple televisions in multiple rooms and use our phones for multiple activities, now that we have multiple jobs, multiple partners and with any luck multiple orgasms too. We want to do it all. If we didn't have multiple things on the go we'd rattle around lost in our multiplex mansions wondering what on earth we are meant to be doing. So if I'm not juggling the multiple balls in the air and I only throw one up at a time, I may reduce the risk of being hit in the head by one of them, but if I keep doing it, maybe I'll just get better at it! So let's all get out there and sign up for Certificate IV in Mobile Motoring skills and embrace our new ability to multi task on the move.


  1. Humans will evolve into an enormous arse with 7 arms; two for cleaning; one for the phone (to order pizza); one for the computer and three for the remote controls.

  2. Was it a man who suggested we stop multi-tasking, Lorna. Isn't it what us gals were born to do best - multitasking? .

  3. I have to admit that I've always hated that word, 'multi-tasking' because it effectively means overwork, joyless stress and never ever getting any peace. It's right up there with 'Work Smarter, Not Harder' for an evil smack in the face that means nothing except more work.....

  4. My husband hates me multi tasking, (I watch tv, do a crossword puzzle and read blogs all while dinner is cooking,)because he is completely unable to focus on even one single task without several smokes breaks. For instance a sink load of dishes will take me 15-20 minutes, he'll stretch it out to at least an hour by going out for a smoke two or three times.
